
We start by identifying trustworthy international church partners that share our vision and mission. Projects are defined by each international church partner. We respond with training, technology, and resources that leverage local resources and increase measurable outcomes over a defined time.

Founder's Fund

A new era of Church impact is before us.

A century ago Christianity was concentrated in the North and West. Because of the success of Christian missions, today the Church is truly global. Local churches are God's primary agents for evangelism, discipleship, Bible translation, and spiritual transformation in each language.

Serve the Global Church exists to serve and partner with these churches as they sow God's Word in their communities for an eternal harvest.

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Bible Translation

Advancing Bible translation in minority languages is our top strategic priority. Western research suggests there are around 2000 languages still needing Scripture translation to begin. Global South church leaders say that number is likely 10,000-15,000 languages. The difference depends entirely on your vantage point. Either way, the number of languages still needing Bible translation is beyond the capacity of all existing translation organizations. The only structure and labor force that can meet ALL of the remaining needs is the global Church. God has made that possible through a translation method called MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation). Over 1700 languages have already used MAST to launch their Bible translations. At least 500 languages have completed their New Testament translations using MAST. Languages in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and South Pacific are requesting MAST training and technical support to launch and complete their Bible translations.

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The Church Rising

As the number of churches with God's Word in their local language multiplies, priority naturally shifts to increasing the impact of Scripture in individuals, families, communities, and nations. This requires new strategies, tools, and resources built on the firm foundation of Scripture. These will look very different in the sprawling urban centers of India than in the isolated mountain villages of Papua New Guinea. Local churches are best positioned to understand the spiritual and social context for developing effective discipleship strategies. We listen to their insights, follow their counsel, and partner with them to implement strategies with measurable impact.

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